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We understand it can be intimidating to walk into a church you've never been to before. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is a family of believers built on the rock solid foundation of God's Word. Worship and God's Word are central to our faith and life. Each service has an uplifting and relevant message focused on what God’s Word means in our lives. Music and the arts serve to focus our attention on God’s grace and love.

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So, Who Are we?

  • We are a Biblical church giving God’s Word first place in our faith and life.

  • We are a Lutheran church that proclaims forgiveness for all through Jesus Christ.

  • We are a Christian church that gathers to praise God, to be strengthened by his Word, and to reach out to those around us in Christian love.

Where to sit?

Feel free to sit wherever you’d like, whether the front or the back. If you need assistance an usher will help you.  If you have special seating needs, we would be glad to accommodate you.

What to Wear?

Come as you are! You’ll find worshipers at Holy Trinity wearing everything from suits to casual attire. 

What about the children?

Children of all ages are welcome at Holy Trinity. We encourage children and their parents to grow in faith together as they hear God's Word and sing his praise.


Our service includes Bible readings, a sermon, prayers, and singing. The entire service is printed in the service folder you receive when you come in and each part of the service is clearly marked.

What about the offering?

The members of Holy Trinity have joined together to carry out the Lord’s work here in Okauchee and around the world. Guests need not feel obligated to participate in the weekly offering that supports our ministry.


What we believe


We believe that the only true God is the Triune God, revealed in Scripture as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true man in one Person, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He is the world’s only Savior from sin, death, and hell. 


We believe that all humans have inherited a sinful and corrupt nature from Adam and Eve, called “original sin.” No person is able, even partially, to earn favor with God or avoid eternal condemnation by means of his or her own efforts. 


We believe that Jesus lived a holy life for us, died on the cross in our place, and rose again three days later to forgive the sins of all people. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as our only Savior. This “good news” of sins forgiven in Jesus is called the Gospel and is revealed to us in the Bible. 


We believe that God has instituted certain Means of Grace through which He announces and bestows the forgiveness of sins and the blessings of life and salvation. Through the Gospel in His Word and Holy Baptism, the Holy Spirit works faith in the individual sinner to receive these blessings.  


We believe the Holy Spirit, through water and the Word, applies the Gospel to sinners through Holy Baptism, by creating and strengthening faith, forgiving sins, and giving new life and salvation. We believe that the blessings of Baptism are meant for all people, including infants. 

Lord's Supper

We believe that the body and blood of Jesus Christ are truly present in the Lord's Supper and received for the forgiveness of sins and the strengthening of faith.

Last Things

We believe that at the time of death a believer’s soul goes to heaven and an unbeliever’s soul goes to hell. On the Last Day, Christ will return visibly to the world and judge both the living and the dead.

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